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Rose Cavalcanti

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Rose Cavalcanti Empty Rose Cavalcanti

Post by huangable Mon May 10, 2010 2:24 am

IRC Nickname:Space-Bird

Character Name:Rose Cavalcanti
Original Dimension:TOR

Race: Meta Human (From Earth)
Age: 19
Sex: F
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130
Likes: Video Games, Computers, Avatars, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Nerdy Pursuits
Dislikes: Real Violence.

Physical Description (Or picture):
Rose Cavalcanti Rose1

Sheltered, and Naive, Rose is generally cheerful, upbeat, and clueless about things. She's hardly
experienced life outside of simulation, or testing. She generally excitable, and the type of person who would look up to a plate of lukewarm noodles.
Powers and Special Abilities:
Meta Human
Rose is an uncanny pilot (essentially new type). Her simulation scores are phenomena, most likely an
intuitive precognition that allows her to predict outcomes and act accordingly.

Weapons and Gear:
Naive, Young, and has virtually no real world experience.

Originally from the Sao Paolo Arcology on Earth, Rose was raised in a CoG Gifted Training Facility, under the Avatar Piloting and Research Program. A metahuman with an uncanny talent for beating simulations, and games, Rose was used as a test subject to train Avatar pilots and AI. She holds the all-time high scores for simulated Avatar Piloting, and has been used in training simulations with CoG Avatar Pilots. She has been referred to as "The Blood Baron Death God" or "Some Bullshit HAX A.I". While Rose excels at simulations, video games, and the like, she hasn't seen the world outside of the facility she was raised in. Rose got herself into serious trouble by posting classified information on Chester J. Byrne's Avatar Redesign Club Forum board under the alias "Avatarfan3026", and was subsequently deemed more of a threat than an asset. She was sent to another facility, and her whereabouts are unknown.

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-07-11

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