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Kaijo Phanex

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Kaijo Phanex Empty Kaijo Phanex

Post by Tony Thu Apr 29, 2010 6:21 pm

IRC Nickname: Rufus

Character Name: Kaijo Phanex
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Human
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 150 lbs
Likes: Wine tastes; everything possible has to be expensive and thebest thebest, or he frowns at it. Naturally, being from Io and Jenever in particular, he cannot turn his nose up away from necessities that don't meet his proclivities, but the disappointment is always evident. Also women, but money and a materialistic almost-obsession come first.
Dislikes: Forced morality, the inability to do something necessary because of some established order (see: laws), a helpless feeling due to previous, and those who aren't willing to pay or earn what they want or need.

Physical Description (Or picture): Kaijo suffers from natural Ionian features: pale skin, red eyes, a taller-than-most stature, and a natural lankiness. However, he retains his dark hair artificially, using it as a stark contrast to the rest of his features to his advantage when it comes to other people. He usually dresses in equally dark clothes, but is not afraid to show off his naturally pale skin, using it as a symbol of his "heritage" and all the things that it infers. He prefers the exotic, "rich" look of capes, scarves, and other flowing clothes over more practical things such as simple shirts, pants, belts, and boots. On his outer right thigh he carries the oversized holster for his oversized flaunted revolver, while the holster for his true weapon-of-choice is hidden in a shoulder holster under his left arm instead.


Powers and Special Abilities:

While possessing no metahuman blood or powers, Kaijo possesses a number of unique skills that he uses to their full potential as often as possible.

The Gift of the Silver Tongue - Kaijo has an uncanny ability to manipulate spoken and written language into forms that are usually beneficial for him in some vague or unspecified way until it's apparent later, usually after he's already reaped said benefit for it. He can also use this ability for and against others, and has even drafted (albeit faux) contracts for Castilian descendents before.

Appraisal - Time in the underground amongst all manner of sold and peddled good has given Kaijo an intense knowledge of almost any commodity on both normal and black markets. Value, both absolute and relative -- both numerically and quantitatively as well -- is an integral part of any judgement that he makes, ranging from people to personal deodorant.

Gunslinging - The life of Jenever is not without its inherant danger, and usually it is a situation of multiple stacked odds against one, whether it's street gangs or organized crime; thus, the necessity for 'gunslinging' becomes rather apparent for those that choose such weapons to use. Gunslinging, while usually referred to as only the flashy use of some kind of handgun, is far more complex than many would think, and for someone necessity-trained in it, a way of life. It refers to situational awareness of 360 degrees in all directions, memorizing locations, postures, down to the tiniest details in order to exploit them when it's time to party. It also refers to acrobatic movement and the flashy aspect that many are aware of, though not nearly as scientifically-based as revered "gunkata" users.

Connections - As is the norm for denizens of Jenever, knowing people is one of the strongest assets that you can have. Developing contacts, whether for leads, information, work, business, pleasure, or more obscure purposes is a way of life, and these are all well-kept and secret inside of both Kaijo's mind and a small book that he carries over his heart -- literally. It's always kept in the same place, a pocket on the inside of his clothes that he puts in personally for just that purpose. While a little black book indeed, it carries far more than just the names and numbers of previous lovers.

Weapons and Gear:

12.8mm Magnetic Revolver - by far Kaijo's most prized possession, this weapon chambers .50 caliber/12.8mm ammunition used in other models, but its "gimmick" is that it operates in the fashion of a rail-gun or electromagnetic rifle. It has a very thick barrel and a body reinforced to hold it, in stylish black with a wooden grip. While it chambers .50/12.8mm ammunition, the drawback of it having to be specialized for use in the weapon makes it ... extremely expensive, and thus extremely hard to come by. So hard to come by, in fact, it has one round chambered, and has never been fired. The ammunition can be made and found, of course, but its rarity in Jenever makes it hard to come by, even for the slickest of the slick. Mostly used for intimidation and persuasion, the weapon speaks volumes for itself -- and its user -- without having to be fired.

ISF-37 Aegis: Standard ISF sidearm. A 10mm (.39 caliber) high-power elliptical solenoid pistol, the Aegis has a 10-round magazine, and its powercell is good for 100 shots before recharging or replacement. An S-variant is available for officers and senior NCOs which is functionally identical to the standard ISF-37 but can be altered to accept custom grips, computerized targeting enhancements, etcetera.

Intrusion Kits - Inside of his coat, Kaijo regularly carries several varieties of "fun-sized" lockpicking and intrusion kits, ranging from simple mechanical picks to slightly more advanced digital readers and scanners.

Practical Items - Kaijo can always be found with a lighter and some form of inhalant drug with him at all times. While he hardly ever offers or encourages others to partake in hsi bad habits, he is known to gladly share if asked about them. He also carries a powerful but compact digital camera used for 'casing' items or specific people (there are many pictures of T&A on the memory sticks), as well as keys -- both analog and digital -- two Datapads, and other various but small necessities.


Kaijo suffers from the flaw of wine taste as mentioned before, and thus will always relegate himself to going without a desired (but not necessary) item in lieu of choosing a less valuable alternative. This forms a 'materialistic obsession' that makes him oriented towards personal gain or those that he deems worthy of his assistance and doting upon (namely the opposite sex), in the simple order of assuaging and satiating his need for expensive, higher-class or higher-quality items or positions.

This weakness joins hand-in-hand with the natural Ioan borne-and-raised greed complex that runs rampant throgh its people. Taught at an early age to take for himself and care less for others, he is not above stealing, conning, twisting, manipulating, or outright violence in order to achieve his own ends. Hardly any action is truly accepted without some overt or unspoken form of gain or opportunity for him; despite this, however, he is an avid believer in "when a door is closed, a window is opened," which sometimes makes him quick to action but slow to reconsider.

Born in Jenever, Io, Kaijo grew up in the slums in the shadow of the Rabbit Hole, where his "parents" were heavily involved. He refers to them as "parents" due to their almost constant absence, leaving him in the care of their "indentured" babysitter instead. While not particularly well-off, of course, he was raised from childhood to adolescance as a person without boundaries, where nothing was out of reach if you were willing to do whatever it took to get it, other people and things be damned. The social aspect of Jenever's underground communities made him sly, as he was never particularly strong or intimidating on his own. Instead, he chose to cater to what he knew as others' weakness, using them against them and profiting in their place instead. These often presented themselves as elaborate schemes and machinations, at the end of which he wuold always revel in his own brilliance as he gained more and more of his own property and wealth that was not his parents. At eighteen, he purchased his previous sitter from his own father and gave her her own property and freedom, showing her his gratitude in the only way that he knew how, as he knew from a young age that it was what she truly desired. His direct benefit from it though was writing her daughter's name in the black book that he was beginning to put together.

Afterwards it was a series of ups and downs regarding his "business." Circumventing his parents, he instead began using their contacts and sources in The Rabbit Hole to peddle drugs and drug-producing paraphrenalia to others both inside and outside. Known as a "facilitator" to the admittedly few he worked with, he quickly began to branch out. While far from an underground boss, his name was known -- if not respected -- and he helped others make equal names for themselves, at a premium of course. After amassing enough reputation and money to facilitate himself instead, he made the decision to escape from the underworld finally and see the true sun for one of the rare times in his life. By using a natural deception to the workers of a Callistian noble's shuttlecraft, he was able to make his way from Io all the way to the famed city of Arcady on Pallas, a perfect place to make a name for himself.

Attempting a Frank Lucas-like rise to the top in Arcady is ... difficult. The barriers to entry are expansive and the environment is not as conducive or accepting of crime as he was used to, so the sheer culture shock has made things difficult for him. He perserveres though, and has used smuggling contacts from Io to begin pulling drugs directly from the entrepreneurs he supported in the Rabbit Hole to Arcady. Stops, arrests, and -- worse yet -- ditched cargo, however, prove problematic, even for a police briber and smooth-talker.

Last edited by Tony on Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:35 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : added a new picture!)


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-04-29

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