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Kira Meki (Nephrite)

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Kira Meki (Nephrite) Empty Kira Meki (Nephrite)

Post by nephrite Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:20 am

IRC Nickname: Nephrite

Character Name: Kira Meki
Original Dimension: Original

Race: It is a mystery.
Age: Also a mystery.
Sex: Male... ish.
Height: 6'0
Weight: 140? Who knows.
Likes: ???
Dislikes: ???

Physical Description (Or picture): (guy on the left)

Powers and Special Abilities:


Kira's entire body is made of shadows and bound by shadow energy. This allows him to turn his body into a mass of shadow energy at will and transform it into anything, ranging from something as small as a key to a battleaxe. Depending on how much energy he expends, this material can be as soft or as hard as he'd like it to be.


The shadows created by this effect cannot extend more than 300 feet while attached to his form. He loses manipulation control over the shadows after they travel this amount, so were he to create some form of crossbow for example, the arrow could be manipulated (though not really changed 'that' much since it's... you know, an arrow) until 300 feet after which it would simply continue on its way.

Each use of this power weakens his form somewhat, if he runs out of "energy" so to speak he will have to spend some time in the shade (har har) to recover.

The hardiness of the shadows depends entirely on energy spent. If he has to drill into something made of steel or other material it will take a great deal more effort and energy than fencing with someone.

When struck or slashed or harmed in any way, bits of his shadow will be torn away or damaged. If he is, say, impaled in the face with a sword, he most certainly will not die. However, though his appearance may not look harmed, repeated damage such as this weakens him severely.


Kira can create "shadows" of himself that look exactly like him. They are essentially parts of him and know all that Kira knows. This of course weakens the main body by the percentage of however much the shadow's powered.

*Shadow Travel

Kira also has the ability to travel quickly from shadow to shadow, passing through "pockets" in order to get there. The range on this particular ability depends, but the maximum is around 300 feet.

*Other Shadow abilities

-Shadow constriction: Using his ability, Kira is able to bind someone to their shadow so they cannot move. This is easily countered by a bright light removing the shadow from view. Kira cannot move when using this power.

-Shadow damage: Kira is also able to cause a magical reaction in shadows, causing them to affect their creator. If he hits the shadow with a piercing attack, the creator will take damage. This kind of attack can never dismember someone, although it can certainly maim them. Kira can also not move after attacking someone's shadow in this way until this resolves. If he moves, the attack does no damage to the shadow or the person.

-Night vision: Rather basic, but Kira can see perfectly fine in the dark.

Weapons and Gear: His ENTIRE BODY IS A WEAPON ha ha ha...

Weaknesses: A creature of shadow and darkness should naturally be weak to light. Thus, Kira's downfall is any concentrated beam or form of light. Sunlight does not affect him terribly adversely, but something like a flashlight in his face will blind him for a few moments. If someone happened to have a giant halogen broadway light he'd be in a lot of trouble. Magical light also works, but only when actually focused at him, although a ball of light, for example, does weaken him somewhat when in proximity. TLDR: Natural light doesn't harm him but does weaken him somewhat, other forms are more effective.

Another weakness is that all of his attacks or defenses drain energy from him. So even if he is able to block an attack with forming part of his body into a shield, it drains him nonetheless. Prolonged battles (during the day or in bright places, for example) are not his forte.

Background: He had traveled for a long time before being picked up by Solomon and taken to his academy many years ago. During the First Interdimensional War Kira defected to the Imaginos when he came to the realization that his organization was not going to bring about any longlasting change. He has since worked for the security forces and does his best to assist when he can.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-07-16

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