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Experiment Zero (Rei)

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Experiment Zero (Rei) Empty Experiment Zero (Rei)

Post by Magnus Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:55 pm

b]IRC Nickname: Exterminatus, OrbitalStrike, InquisitorKessen

[b]Character Name: Experiment Zero "Rei"
[b]Original Dimension: TOR

[b]Race: Marcien Human Metahuman
[b]Sex: Female (androgynous)
[b]Height: 5'4"
[b]Weight: 120
[b]Likes: Silence. Her bike. Money, being left alone.
[b]Dislikes: Geodef, the Handicappers, loud noises, formal occasions

[b]Physical Description

[b]Powers and Special Abilities: Electromanipulator: Rei can manipulate electrons and electromagnetism through her own psionic brain impulses, with a maximum range of 40 meters. She can produce (undefined until the science guys go over it) amount of maximum voltage, and only manipulate ferrous-based metals with using the electromagnetic aspect.

She's also fairly stealthy and has some infiltration abilities.

[b]Weapons and Gear: Hesperus Industries mark IV Hoverbike with up-armored windshield and rear cargo area. No weapons. Heavily electrically shielded PDA for communication. Sensory isolation helmet.

[b]Weaknesses: Sensitive to sound. Rei can be physically injured by noises that are too loud. Being in a loud nightclub or rock concert can cause sensory overload, causing her to become very sluggish and almost drunken in reactions. A gun going off beside her head at point blank range might cause her to writhe on the ground in pain, if not for the sensory isolation helmet. Even with the helmet, she still feels fairly intense pain. She also can't eat or interact with people normally, relying on the PDA to send on-screen text messages to "talk" to people, though her helmet -does- translate received sound from folks into a readable form, which she then responds to.

Circuit destruction: Any non-reinforced electronic artifacts rei comes in physical contact with from computers to remote controls have a fairly good chance of being destroyed by a static charge. IT guys hate her.

PTSD: Rei's experiences as a survivorl of the second imaginos-concern war, and her brief captivity with the COG have caused significant psychological scarring, and scenes of extremely bloody death or mutilation have a good chance of causing a fugue state.

[b]Background: Rei was 8 when Mars was destroyed, and taken in by imaginos. She was off-world at the time with her family, vacationing in shangri-la. She had a fairly normal childhood, aside from the stigma of the isolation helmet. However, after the fall of imaginos her parents were killed when their apartment complex was destroyed between an avatar/roach confrontation. She was later picked up by COG handicappers after their coup, and later escaped under undisclosed circumstances. At present she's working as a courier in pallas.


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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