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Jason Frost

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Jason Frost Empty Jason Frost

Post by Hydra Sun Apr 04, 2010 2:59 am

IRC Nickname: Hydra, Hydra|Work

Character Name: Jason Frost
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Human (Belt Colonies via CoG)
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 165 pounds
Likes: Not being shot at, getting paid, excitement
Dislikes: Getting shot at, silence, coconut

Physical Description (Or picture): Jason sports an athletic build, although it's definitely one built more for agility than power. He tends to wear stylish clothes, as he's a firm believer in looking good. He has blue eyes and blonde hair that he keeps about shoulder length and pushed back out of his face but otherwise loose. He also keeps a soul patch and has his left brow pierced.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Uncanny Dodge: While not as effective as the Second Sight possessed by other members of the crew, Jason has a knack for figuring out when all hell is going to break loose, which allows him to get a slight jump on it (which normally is spent taking cover).

Evasion: Jason is an expert at avoiding danger, maximizing cover and his timing for avoiding attacks.

Sneak Attack: Jason has no formal combat training, so he has to capitalize when he can, taking cheap shots and striking where it hurts.

Weapons and Gear:

Escapist Gauntlet: A custom piece of equipment that Jason had made, the Escapist Gauntlet contains several pieces of gear designed to help Jason on mercenary missions he's undertaken. It includes a datapad, a smoke grenade launcher, and a launcher for a 50' long thin line that has the strength of steel and can be used for climbing and a grappling hook as well as for combat.


No Combat Expert: Jason has no military or combat training to speak of, which can be quite the liability in the mercenary business.

Background: Originally born on Armstrong City, Jason's family relocated when he was a child to Vesta, where he stayed until his early 20s, when he made his way to Arcady. He's spent the fast 10 years doing mercenary work, focusing mainly on jobs that take advantage of his gift for gab and agility.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-06

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