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Alejandro Díaz de Vivar

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Alejandro Díaz de Vivar Empty Alejandro Díaz de Vivar

Post by Hydra Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:00 am

IRC Nickname: Hydra, Hydra|Work
Character Name: Alejandro Díaz de Vivar
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Callistan
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 185 Pounds
Likes: Honor, serving for the good of the people, traditional Callistan sensibilities, art and music, particularly ones connected to his faith.
Dislikes: Dishonorable actions, weak willed or self-loathing individuals, The Concern and the COG.

Physical Description (Or picture): When not in combat Alejandro holds himself to the noble style, always dressing in well-tailored garments that reflect his racial background and upbringing. Tall like all Callistans, Alejandro has a more slim build than many of the other military types on the crew, but is still in excellent physical shape. He keeps his jet black hair cut short and his face clear-shaven. His looks and mannerisms would no doubt have made him quite popular amongst other nobility (as his father before him), but he has been denied his birthright.

Powers and Special Abilities: None other than standard military training as well as swordsmanship. Alejandro may be a very driven man, but at the end of the day he is still a man.

Weapons and Gear:

Lobera: Named after the sword of Saint Ferdinand III, Lobera is a longsword that had been passed through Alejandro's family for several generations before Alejandro had it modified for use beyond its original ceremonial purposes, having it strengthed and modified for combat. In anyone else's hands it's just a normal longsword, but the grip is designed to respond to Alejandro's specific biometrics, causing the designs on the blade to glow. The designs themselves are in actuality housing for devices that cause an invisible molecular barrier to surround the blade, sharpening and reinforcing it for use against armored targets. Even with this modification, it's still rather impractical for use in general combat, so the weapon is usually only drawn in rare circumstances.

Babieca: A two-man fighter that has been modified to allow the containment and deployment of Alejandro in full battle armor as well as both atmospheric and space combat scenarios. The craft has a vulcan cannon mounted on the front as well as two missile bays on each side with 3 shots each. The craft is manned by Alejandro and Sancho (who is detailed below), and Sancho taking over fully whenever Alejandro deploys from the craft. The ship is named after El Cid's horse, although Alejandro has joked about the name also being a reference to his preference to this ship instead of an AVATAR.

Sancho: A loyal bodyguard of Alejandro's family, he was off-world with Alejandro when Callisto was destroyed, and feels honor-bound to protect his charge in Alejandro's quest to restore his family's honor. Sancho was near mortally wounded as the result of one of the early missions undertaken by the pair, and 70% of his body was damaged beyond saving. Fitted with bionic replacements, Sancho opts to keep himself in stasis when not in combat, unwilling to accept his current form but also unwilling to break his vow. Alejandro feels he is responsible for Sancho's current form and plans on doing what he can to improve Sancho's lot in life once their task is finished.

Armadura de la Fe: Alejandro's custom power armor, the Armadura is designed for both aerial and ground-based assaults against known Concern technologies. While strengthened to withstand assault, the primary defensive measure for the armor is the Eki System: a series of spheres which fly around the armor, glowing and creating a field designed to disrupt targetting systems. Each device has a full set of sensors that scan for potential attacks, moving to intercept shots when it's determined that they could connect with Alejandro. The system is quite expensive, and as a result only gets deployed when the risk is deemed high enough, as any lost Eki drone would be quite expensive to replace. The armor also offers enhanced strength, targeting systems and is capable of independent flight.


Honor-bound: Alejandro has sworn two great oaths: the first to not rest until The Concern has been removed as a threat and the second to see that Sancho's life is improved any way that it can be once the first oath has been fulfilled. With The Concern seemingly removed and his place denied due to politics Alejandro has added two new goals: to help stop the expansion of the CoG and the protection of the remaining Ortega family members, particularly Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega. These goals weigh heavily on Alejandro, although he does not outwardly show it, causing him to sometimes take risks he might not otherwise take in order to move closer to seeing them through.

Noble Sensibilities: Whether he admits it or not he still has noble blood in his veins and follows the same mindset, causing him to be rather intolerant at times to points of view or tactics he considers unsavory, which makes it quite difficult for him to talk to individuals not born of the same stock.

Background: Alejandro Díaz de Vivar (the same surname he will quite proudly proclaim to have been shared with the legendary El Cid) is the last living heir of a Callistan noble house that was wiped out when Zanzibar Brahm used the Endbringer Cannonade on the doomed planet. Alejandro was off-world at the time, in the care of long-time family bodyguard Sancho. Once he had learned of the destruction and the details behind it, Alejandro swore (perhaps quite unwisely considering his then young age) to not rest and take his place amongst his fellow nobility until The Concern (who committed the experiments that started the chain reaction towards Callisto's demise) ceased to be a threat to this dimension. Alejandro used his family's remaining wealth and influence to equip himself and Sancho for the task, although Sancho suffered injuries early on that prompted Alejandro to make a vow to him to better his lot in life once the first oath had been fulfilled. Alejandro has stuck (almost to a fault) to his oaths, feeling that they and his faith in God are the two things that he should never allow to be broken. Alejandro privately sees himself as carrying on the knightly tradition of his ancient Spanish contemporaries, and as a result has named many of his weapons after their own. After the Concern pulled from dimension 010 the political atmosphere was such on Europa that all chance of Alejandro regaining his place in the upper crust was lost. Unwilling to concede defeat in that regard, Alejandro pledged his aid to the Ortega family, who have suffered a similar fate to his own. Alejandro's attentions have also been drawn to the situation in the inner-part of the system, concerned over the actions of Economaki.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-06

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