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Leyden Ceska App

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Leyden Ceska App Empty Leyden Ceska App

Post by Makaze Fri Mar 26, 2010 10:54 pm

IRC Nickname: Makaze
Character Name: Leyden Ceska
Race: Metahuman (Harbinger)
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 125lb
Likes: Video Games, Space Walks, Old Human Television Shows, useless trivia
Dislikes: Control freaks, Idleness

Physical Description (Or picture): Leyden is short yet athletic in build, with a bronze complexion and light green eyes. His black hair goes just beyond his neck and is braided. Along the back of his hands, outer forearms, center of his forehead, lower and mid back, shoulder blades are patterned, symmetrical crystalline growths that are a faint pastel green in color.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Technopathy: A form of Pychometry via design, Leyden is able to "interface" with most technological items. This allows him to interface and interact with them as long as he maintains contact. Due to his "build" this means it allows him to "feel out" how something works and allows him to commit it to memory to an extent.

Bio-Crystalline Processors: An organic crystalline series of nodes fused to his skeletal structure which acts as an added nervous system. The nodes act as storage and processing assistants to his brain for processing certain types of information, mainly military hardware and weaponry. Allows a form of hive mind when with others of his kind to act as a sort of super computer and communications node between those like him.

Latent Psionic Energy: Given his psionic nature and abilities, he has a bit of this just lying ambient within him and focused at the nodes on his body. Weaponry has been developed to allow that energy to be used. But he lacks said weaponry.

-Energy/Solid State Weapon Manufacture and Use: Leyden is trained in the use, classification and manufacture, maintenance and use of energy based weapons of various makes and classes. He is way more capable and knowledgeable on energy based and psionic based weaponry than anything involving physical ordinance, and is currently in studies to rectify this.

-Walking mechanical/technological database: Leyden's type of Harbinger was meant to be R and D and maintenance/manufacture. There's a good deal of knowledge.

-Combat training: As a Harbinger he was trained in some hand to hand techniques but more in weapons handling and maintenance. Given his function this was rarely needed or used.

Weaknesses: Leyden's size is a very big issue when it comes to melee given his lighter weight and reach. The "gems" along the areas of his body are directly connected to his skeleton as well as have a portion of his nervous system directly connected to them, so shattering them needless to say is horridly debilitating and painful. He was made to be a brain trust not a god on the field of battle.

He also "pings" to any being or equipment that can monitor, detect, or track energy readings or psionic emissions, be it infra red or otherwise. He can negate this by "shutting down" his crystals, but it is akin to holding ones breath, so it doesn't hole water too well. Anything mind influencing or capable of psionic negation is also an issue.

Idiot Savant Switch: A fail safe really. While he can explain what he is doing, he cannot go into extremely deep point for point detail on most things. Whether this is some form of genetic programming from Geo-Def, or a personal limitation is unknown.

Background: While the Harbinger project was disavowed by Geo-Def, work still continued in a clandestine manner while all attention was focused on arrests and those scapegoats cast to the wolves by those in command. During this period of betrayal and cloak and dagger games, research and creation of Harbingers continued, resulting in a small handful of specialized Harbingers, Leyden being of a group meant for R and D and manufacture. Time passed and extermination of Harbingers at the hands of the Handicappers began and those who had sense enough, banded together and made a mad dash for freedom or asylum wherever they could, Leyden and others being prime targets due to "overwriting" genetic encoding for loyalty without question. Time passed and Leyden and others hid out where they could, some shacking up with the godless, others sacrificing themselves when found so others could escape. Eventually after a close call with a group of Handicappers and a sacrifice allowing those free metahumans to escape, Leyden wound up on Arcady. (Shortened Version)


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-07-18

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