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Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega

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Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega Empty Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega

Post by gubaba Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:16 am

IRC Nickname: Kagome/Kula

Character Name: Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Castillian
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Height: 5'10
Weight: 140
Likes: Studying, Honor, Winning, Clothes.
Dislikes: Rude people, Losing, Having to follow a certain mold just because people expect her to.

Physical Description (Or picture):

Carmen Ambrosia Di Sotelo-Ramones de Ortega Carmen-concept

Powers and Special Abilities:

Second sight: This is what has given Carmen an edge in her piloting and training above anyone else and has helped her become the creme de la creme of pilots while in the academy. While in battle and sometimes if not, Carmen gets a brief flash or glipse of the future, much like Newtypes from the Gundam world. She can also sense others who have the same potential ability. Carmen however does not speak about this to anyone because she may fear it could be the sign of El Hechizo.

Weapons and Gear:

Her own personal LACCRA which she wears underneath her clothes.

Lily Rapier-Custom: Ancient-style crafted with one of the strongest castellian steels. Carmen has been trained to be a fencing expert. This particular blade she keeps with her almost always. The construction is unique in the fact that around the blade gives an almost etheral deep glow from the reaction of the metal to Carmen's DNA structure. When the blade is swung it gives a VERY very faint singing hum, and is able to cut through most things much like a lightsaber would.

Blunderbuss custom: fitted with a laser pointer, Carmen rests it over her wrist before firing it at her targets. The blunderbuss while it looks old timey, is actually a very powerful plasma shooter that can be adjusted into different modes. shotgun pellet, streamline, and slug being the most basic. The drawback however is the more powerful the shot, the longer it takes to reach a cooldown for the weapon. Because of this, Carmen usually will only take a powerful shot with the gun if she KNOWS she can make it count.

Custom AVATAR (Monte Cristo)
The Monte Cristo is fitted with a unique driver Phi system, a neural enhancer built into the avatar that boosts Carmen's second sight. However, the best way for her to achieve the boost is to get emotionally worked up due to the brain chemistry interacting with the Phi system. She can maneuver the Avatar with natural thought and the weaponry power is magnified massively. If the Phi-system has reached maximum power, Carmen will be able to use a strengthened beam attack called the 'Grito Muerte', compartments in the shoulders, legs, and midsection of the Monte Cristo open up and fire a massive plasma attack at the target(s). Due to the mental aptitude needed for this attack, it's very rarely seen. The Monte Cristo also has the Noblesse Oblige System, which will only allow Carmen to access it because of her DNA. Other than that the AVATAR has the standard armaments/defense along with a Lily-rapier styled Hauteclere which is her main choice weapon for attacking.

Weaknesses: Very passionate and honor-bound.. which can get her into sticky situations. Carmen is very adamant about proving the honor of her clan and her own worth.
Her second sight can also be a bane at times, especially of the vision is particularly disturbing.. which if bothered badly enough can definately affect her performance in battle. Along with that, Carmen will try to hide the fact she has that gift for fear she might be called one of the El Hechizo.

Background: Carmen is from the prestiged Ortega clan. Having been brought up as the daughter of the head noble, she's always had to fit the shoes for someone else. Making sure she always did everything perfectly, spoke perfectly, ate perfectly, walked perfectly. When she was of age, she had to make a choice. She was not the only child so she had a few choices.. to either go and join the army.. or become one of the daughters that would never marry and live to serve their parents until they died. Carmen, not wanting to be stuck in the caste she was in for the rest of her life, went ahead and registered into the JSA and went to become an Aspirant. Her family was pleased and supported the decision, demanding she provide excellence. And she did. Carmen did amazingly.. but in her mind it was only because of her "gift". The freedom being enlisted help broaden her mind about what the real world is like, since most of the time she grew up sheltered. Now, after the war with the concern fleet against the ISF, the death of the Ortega clan flew around like wildfire. Being of noble heritage and one of the elite in her class, eyes turned to Carmen for restoring the family name. So here she is.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-08-12
Location : earth

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