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Channel Rules, Player Responsibilites (KILLA BEES READ THIS)

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Channel Rules, Player Responsibilites (KILLA BEES READ THIS) Empty Channel Rules, Player Responsibilites (KILLA BEES READ THIS)

Post by huangable Mon Jan 25, 2010 9:40 pm


An announcement: The channel rules have been pretty lax, I'd like to make a few things clear-These are required to play in #TOR, and should benefit the players as well as the ops. #TOR is here, primarily, for your entertainment, we're putting a lot of work into an original setting, and will do everything humanly possible to get you, the player, involved in our channel. This does not mean you can take whatever character you want, or behave however you'd like-We want consistency, and we're trying to adhere to an overall theme. That being said, anyone willing is welcome.

Rules: (Adults Version)

1. No Cliques. Play with everyone. Give Everyone a chance..we're not playing favorites and neither should you.

2. Don't bail mid mission/mid roleplay-We understand things come up, we have lives, but if you're going to bed, take a few moments to exit your character from roleplay. If you're in a mission, talk to an OP quickly...

3. Constructive Criticism only, please. Keep the drama elsewhere. If you are concerned or have an idea on how to improve the channel, msg the ops. If you're being griefed or harrassed, message the ops... Otherwise: It's adult hour-you can leave.

4. Keep OOC comments to a minimum while roleplay is going on. Keep the snark down.

5. Read the Wiki
You don't have to read it all at once...but it's a resource, we want you to use it. The channel is dense, you as a player are going to have t o do some work too. (The Ops will happily answer questions)

A Note on Missions, and Game Play:

#TOR is an open ended universe with limitless possibility. This requires the players to take initiative, explore, and search for plot points on occasion. If you're stuck you can ask an OP..we're not trying to prove how clever we are, we're trying to convey a story-it's okay to ask.

We want players to explore the setting, hunt for clues, have discussions with NPCS, make decisions that effect the game world. Your characters ideas, actions, and attitudes MATTER. This is a good thing. This also means players can be hesitant to take a risky action...(It's okay to discuss a decision with an OP to get a feel about what is to be expected, especially if you're unsure)..but you'll have to make decisions. The more you are willing to roll up your sleeves and get involved, the more dynamic and interesting the channel will be.

Take characters that will work within the setting-you don't have to play someone who wants to hug everyone, but this is a lax military environment, that means you have to play along. Not every character has to be a badass rebel who breaks the rules..and not every character has to be a suckup do-gooder...Use your imagination.

You'll get out what you put in... If this doesn't sound like the channel for you, there are plenty of others we encourage you to play in. We understand this channel might not be for everyone, but anyone willing to try is welcome. We are not exclusive.

bounce That being said. Enjoy the channel. bounce

cyclops cyclops

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-07-11

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