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This Name Cannot Be Pronounced By Warmbloods/Gravlax

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This Name Cannot Be Pronounced By Warmbloods/Gravlax Empty This Name Cannot Be Pronounced By Warmbloods/Gravlax

Post by Great_Mazinger Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:21 am

IRC Nickname: Sparda

Character Name: Gravlax Thrombone, apparently.
Original Dimension: The Distant Past.

Race: Dinosaur
Age: 378
Sex: Male. Probably.
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 300lbs
Likes: Fresh meat, working on machines, imagining what it's like to be a bird.
Dislikes: Damn dirty apes, the cold, being told he's not a doctor.

Physical Description (Or picture):
Um... is a dinosaur. I'll come up with a picture at some point but until I do, is a flat faced velociraptor in a mechanic's outfit, a bowler hat and occasionally a labcoat.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Dinosaur: Is a Dinosaur, which aside from being pretty nifty, grants it the following 'powers':
-Carnivore: Has sharp claws and fangs that can tear the flesh off people. Like knives made of bone.
-Cold Blooded: Is able to endure high temperature and live in tropical climates with no discomfort.
-Escape: Can leave its tail behind if he gets caught by it, and it will eventually grow back.
--Escape II - The Revenge: Can extend the flesh of its neck when threatened to frighten predators.

Gravlax (not its real name) is a trained mechanic of his people, which also means he is a trained medical professional of his people (biology and mechanics are pretty interchangeable, to the Dinosaurs). He is also a talented hunter, able to track down herbivores and take them down with relative ease and coordinate efforts with a pack of hunters like him.
-Mechanical Engineering and Repair: Incredible.
-Biology (dinosaurs): Incredible
-Medicine (dinosaurs): Excellent
-Biology (mammals): Abysmal.
-Medicine (mammals): Less than Zero.
-Computers: Excellent
-Hunting: Incredible
-Acting: Poor.
-Physics: Very Good... but not all his principles actually work in this world.
-Climbing: Excellent on rocks and trees, Average on more solid materials.

Weapons and Gear:
Multitool: A single tool that can reconfigure itself into any mechanical tool that can be hand held, and also a portable fan, a hot plate, and a power adapter. It's made of partially organic parts and is made to be used with claws, so humans trying to use it will just screw it up and probably make it produce a comb or something equally useless to dinosaurs and mechanics.

Bowler Hat: Has found one on a sleeping human, and claimed it as a way to help disguise himself, but has grown rather fond of it. Refuses to let go of it, due to his territorial nature, and will do Indiana Jones-like lenghts to get it back.

Human Mask: Poorly crafted human mask, it allows him to pass unnoticed if he wears a long coat and his bowler hat. He can pass as a very tall, awkward human with it on, but any close inspection will reveal the sharp fangs and snake eyes.

Cold: Being cold blooded, very low temperatures will ABSOLUTELY wreck him, forcing him into sleep and eventually death.
Carnivore: Gets no sustenance from vegetables of any kind, and less nutrition than he should from cooked meat, or meat kept frozen, unlike a fresh kill.
Dinosaur: ...HE'S A DINOSAUR. ...okay. This marks him as a reptilian creature who is fiercely territorial and protective of his things, and has a hard time repelling his instincts. This said, he's also a very very intelligent being who knows better than to pick fights against the several billion humans who have, clearly, been chosen to rule this universe. Doesn't like it, which leads to..
Racism: Does not like humans, and is not above calling them apes, mammals, warmbloods and any such epithets. This also makes him barely able to differentiate between humans and other mammals. Can tell a dog is not a human, but not that they're genetically different or particularly unlikely to share intellect and habits.

Gravlax (not its real name) was born a part of an empire of dinosaurs, called the Dinosaur Empire, which had ruled the world in the primordial times. Their civilization thrived and prospered, through both conflict and science the likes of which humanity has never attained.. and likely never will. Unfortunately for them, one day, a disaster struck the planet. The meteor changed the climate of the Earth, and humans, not dinosaurs, were chosen to inherit the Earth.
Gravlax (not its real name) 's people went into hiding under the earth for millions of years, waiting for the chance to take their revenge on the apes which had cheated them of their rightful world, unhappy to 'survive' in the land they once ruled.
When he came of age, barely a young man at the age of 3, Gravlax wanted to help his people, even after their near extinction, so he became a biomechanic of his empire, acting as both a surgeon and a repairman (the two are interchangeable), was unable to change the course of history. Evolution chose humans, and dinosaurs had to remain in hiding, this time with no chance for a comeback, their leaders were dead.
This is where Gravlax (not its real name)'s story begins, as an outlier in the TOR reality.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-01-07

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