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Athena Empty Athena

Post by Azriel Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:30 pm

IRC Nickname: Azriel, Kanna

Character Name: Athena (Alternate/Analog)
Nicknames: Athy (Only her closest friend get to call her that), Iron Maiden, Snake Eyes.
Original Dimension: Sion

Race: Humanoid/Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Age: Permanently 28
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Birthplace: Sion R&D Corp.
Birth date: Unknown
Job: Former ISF Cadet
Likes: Being a smartass; or superior, technical jobs, system upgrades, hacking, karaoke, complex things, and having a life of her own.
Dislikes: Viruses, extremely; annoying pop-ups like "Punch The Monkey", men to some degree; especially ones' with huge egos, system malfunctions, and someone else trying to hack into her systems.
Fav. Food: Pasta
Least Fav. Food: Sweets

Physical Description:
Athena's body was built with an experimental intention in mind of allowing a suppressed AI to have more freedom and introduce the values of a personal life. These intentions went through with the approach of giving her a realistic, yet simple 3-layer cybernetic body so that she could function in the view of the public eye as a normal, human woman. Her outer shell looks about as normal as any other regular person with the exception of her extremely pale, almost ghostly, skin tone. Her skin is soft to the touch and smooth as if it were actual skin. She has wild, bloody red locks of hair that compliment her otherwise, unearthly gold eyes. Her thin outer shell was built to be slender, yet strong in appearance and the material used for her skin is actually quite durable and flexible.

Underneath her outer shell lies her inner shell, this inner shell houses a variety of specially-made organs that function in the same way as organic organs in a human body would function.
Athena has a specially adjusted nervous system, respiratory and circulatory system, skeletal system, muscular system, and even a digestive system. Her skeletal and muscular systems were replicated to fit the frame of a female, human woman, however, her bones and muscles are wires and titanium rods, joints, parts, etc. This means that Athena can eat, drink, sleep, breathe, relive herself, and even bleed as a normal woman. Although, what she bleeds is not blood, but actually a light blue, oily fluid.

Her last and final shell is referred by her technicians as her core shell. The core shell is protected by a thin, but almost impenetrable layer of titanium that has been alloyed with other metals to protect her CPU. The CPU functions as Athena's very heart and even her brain. It processes and calculates all of her algorithms, her energy distribution, her programs, her internal repairs, her defensive systems against hackers and viruses, and other important system functions.

Only without the sword.

Powers or Abilities

Artificial Intelligence - Athena can process, calculate, strategize, think, and solve situations or issues at a much faster rate than the average human being because of her CPU's processing power and capabilities.

Retina Scan - Athena's eyes have been modified and equipped with a analytical device that can scan people and objects. This ability can function in a variety of ways for her. It can determine between hostile and non-hostile subjects, see through cloaking devices or hiding spots, and shift between night vision, regular vision, and thermal detection vision. Her modified eyes also give her a greater deal in accuracy as well.

EMP Wave - Athena is equipped to produce an Electro-Magnetic Pulse wave at desired frequencies to interfere or disable other hostile electronics, weapons, armor, or vehicles. She cannot be hurt by her own EMP wave.

Cyber Nerd - Since Athena started off as a computer-based life form. She is fairly proficient at hacking other people's electronics or computer systems and picks up on new technology fairly quick.

Digital Gunner - Athena has been fully trained in firearms and combat situations since her days on Sion and to the Imaginos and already has a good deal of military experience from being a war AI for several decades after all. She's had a good deal of field experience as well.

Weapons and Gear

- Standard ISF-31B ARES assault rifle.
- A pair of non-standard, customized, twin rapid fire pistols. They look vaguely similar to the ISF standard sidearms, except the looks have been downed to be much sleeker and lighter to use and custom gripped for Athena's delicate hands. The rapid fire system has been incorporated to allow an intense, concise firing rate of 90 shots per powercell before it needs to be recharged. The guns may be slightly weaker than their standard ISF counterparts, but the delay between shots is near nothing and the firing rate is extremely fast and concise. She's even had them custom colored to be black with red grips and has the names "Demise" etched into the side of one and the name "Despise" etched into the other.
- ISF-33 Standard LACCRA.
- ISF-35 "Geryon" AVATAR (Goddess of War) that has been slightly customized to fit Athena's expectations in battle. It has the standard look of a regular AVATAR unit except the design has been slightly modified to incorporate a fanned out, sharp looking, sleek framework of red wings on the back. Obviously these aren't for flight mainly, but they can help her glide down toward the ground at a safe clip and make sudden turns more accurate and easily maneuverable. Goddess of War has also been upgraded to include a higher agility and evasion rate which lets Athena dart out from bad spots fairly easily and dodge incoming fire much quicker than her counterparts. Her custom coloring for this AVATAR is mostly red pieces with white and gold trim. It was also designed to be able to respond and integrate with Athena's wavelength or frequency so that Athena can still use her AI abilities through her AVATAR. Such abilities include her EMP wave, hacking, and retina scan. Her AVATAR also isn't nearly as bulky as some of the other more "manly" ones and personifies the sleek, curvy, form of a goddess, but with an arsenal of power behind it.


Power Surge - She can be interfered with or disabled by other EMP waves.

Damn Hackers - She can be hacked into or disabled by viral means, although there will be a good degree of resistance against those methods.

Not Completely Invincible - Her outer shell with enough force can be punctured, torn, ripped, sliced, or stabbed through by various other means of warfare.

Complex Being - Being that she's a little more complex than other people, she does take a lot longer to heal physically and internally.

Temperamental - Her strong temper and sarcasm which sometimes gets in the way of her job and belittles the fact she's highly trained in what she does.

Ugh, Men - She has slight distaste for men and finds it fairly hard to work with them in the field or just be sociable outside of missions with them.

Brief Background

Athena was once contained to the perimeter and cyberspace inside a wristwatch-like device that belonged to a young woman with whom she shared a symbiotic relationship with. Athena not only shared the woman's body and mind, but both had needed each other in order to live properly. If either one of them had died or become incapacitated enough, the other one would surely follow after with the same fate. However, this mentality was several decades ago in the past before certain events could finally take place and there was a glimmer of hope that could be attained.

With certain events lining the pathway, Sion's Research & Development Team, led by Dr. Mira Lunaca, had finally compromised a way to separate the two consciousness from each other safely and securely. The procedure took several months since they needed to design, build, and test Athena's new, man made body before they could remove part of her consciousness from the young woman's device. After the testing of Athena's new body was deemed successful, they could begin the main operation on the young woman whom had been wet-worked and integrated heavily with Athena's systems. The operation was also a success, however, Athena could not be completely removed from the woman. They could safely duplicate the main system files and allow a part of Athena to run inside the device to make sure the woman could stay alive, while also transferring the main system files to the body. It was true that they still couldn't completely remove Athena from her, but now Athena didn't have to be with the woman all the time and could function in her own body with her own wants, needs, and desires. Athena could still help the young woman and stay with her if she wanted, but she could also be of service from long distance too.

After several months from the date of the operation, Athena had already grown into her own daily routine while still continuing her service to the woman whom was now the head of the dimension's military unit. Everyone thought that things were going quite well until an accident with one of the DIVA armors begged to differ. The R&D team were working on improving some of the mobility aspects for one of the DIVA units and a bug happened during a teleportation test-run since the system still proved to be awfully flimsy. The technology wasn't all that new to the Sionian's, but with any new project, there comes new bugs. Athena, as the head assistant to the General in combat affairs, was assigned to watch over the test run in the General's place. Little did she know or realize that the teleportation unit would malfunction and cause an intense explosion that she'd get caught up in. Not only did the explosion injure several others and her with flying debris, but the energy flux caused a rip and took Athena way, way, farther from Sion than she'd like to be and porting her to the Imaginos station.

Athena stayed on the station for several long years after that event and joined the ISF to occupy herself in the meantime until she could figure out a way to get back to Sion. Generally, it was easy work for her since she was already used to combat situations and military life back on Sion. Over time, she grew to have a phenomenal record in intelligence-gathering and infantry operations with her quick wits and skills. In time, she even grew up the ranks of a Cadet over the course of several years. That is, until she started to feel she was losing sight of her initial goal in getting back to Sion where she unexpectedly dropped out of sight from the ISF forces and decided to play it cool for a little while and pursue other options elsewhere. She even went as far as making a name for herself in the Imaginos as the "Iron Maiden" for her cold, cynical, and ill-tempered disposition towards men or "Snake Eyes" for her uncanny, and creepy glare with those golden eyes of her's. Little did she know, someone else would try and find her with another goal in mind.

Last edited by Azriel on Fri Jan 29, 2010 3:39 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated to include more detailed information about Athena's AVATAR!)

Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 36
Location : Uniontown, PA

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