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Harold Caxton app

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Harold Caxton app Empty Harold Caxton app

Post by Magnus Mon Jan 18, 2010 11:07 pm

IRC Nickname: Animuhero

Character Name: Harold Caxton
Original Dimension: TOR

Race: Human
Age: 55
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 180
Likes: Interesting aliens, other cultures, cherry pie, coffee
Dislikes: Violence, foul language,

Physical Description (Or picture):

Powers and Special Abilities: Normal human! Highly intelligent analytical mind with a knack for languages and codes.

Weapons and Gear: LACCRA specialized stealth suit, designed for lighter armor protection but maximum hideyness. Jet Pack! (for flying away when the natives get restless) Stunner.

Weaknesses: Extreme dislike of physical violence. Somewhat old and a bit pedantic towards younger people.

Background: Professor Caxton teaches Xenology and Anthropology at the Armstrong Institute of Technology. He's been on sabbatical for some time, and offered to join Imaginos as a civilian researcher with the irregulars after the recent request for more anthropologists and xenologists after the events of dimension 061, when encountering multiple new sentient races.


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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