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Dimension 061, reactions and analysis

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Dimension 061, reactions and analysis Empty Dimension 061, reactions and analysis

Post by Magnus Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:42 pm

Our undertaking in dimension 061 was a successful one, with no permanent casualties and a fix on the concern present there. As an intel mission went, we cannot ask for much more. However, there are still areas where we could improve a bit.

Area 1: Asset utilization of our e-war assets. We didn't really heavily coordinate or exploit Eleste's computer access to Blackstone Cartel's internal systems, nor did we give Miss Date enough lead time to properly compromise the cartel's network. If we had pursued this more our final infiltration might have been a little less bloody and ugly.

Area 2: AVATAR armament optimization. While our engagement with the Roaches on the Eradosti was successful, the ground troopers we were supporting, the hunters, did suffer some casualties which we may have minimized had we a more proper mix of ground-support weapon carried on the AVATARs. All our units, especially my own were fit solely for air-superiority work. I suggest in any air-ground escort missions we undertake in the future that we balance our loadout better, to provide a more flexible and effective response to varied engagements.

Area 3: A wider distribution of directed energy and plasma weapons for infantry use against hard targets. Simply put, our dependence on one heavy plasma cannon hurt us badly against Sarat, and had the demonhost been more tactically aware he could have terminated the primary threat and dispatched the rest of us at leisure. At present we only have the energy weapons field master Raduun has brought with him, and Kevin's plasma cannon. I highly recommend we field some small arms or support weapons that can use plasma or directed energy in the near future, or we may run into more targets that we cannot effectively engage without extreme danger to crew.

Area 4: Grenade proficiency. As an infantry tool in close quarters situations the efficiency of the grenade cannot be overstated. If we're going into a combat operation we should have our operatives trained in and carrying at least a few flash and frag grenades, if not anti vehicular ones for terminating harder targets and material. I suggest either Sergeant Voralis or Field Master Raduun as our trainers for use of such gear.

Area 5: cross-dimensional defenses and preparation. Sarat also showed us how scant our defenses and warning systems are against cross-dimensional threats like a demonhost. Other problems we could run into of this nature in the future include the KARN, or even the Roaches doing a short dimension hop in. If we can find a way to use physical scanners to catch dimensional displacement within a reasonable time of it happening, we can probably react more safely to new threats or encounters of this nature. At present only Lute Reinhardt is able to sense the threats as they come in, if we can duplicate even a lesser of her ability through technological knowhow it may very well save us lives.

Please feel free to add points of your own, comment or debate these points at your leisure, I am simply trying to improve our operational efficiency as much as possible.

Thanks in advance,

Cadet James Foster


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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Dimension 061, reactions and analysis Empty Re: Dimension 061, reactions and analysis

Post by Madoushi Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:49 pm

Needs more JUICE!!!

Lt. Faustlin Fontaine

P.S. We should diversify our Avatar loudouts at the very least, bring something for every occasion, y'dig?

Last edited by Madoushi on Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:56 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Join date : 2009-07-21

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Dimension 061, reactions and analysis Empty Re: Dimension 061, reactions and analysis

Post by Dulkor Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:53 pm

As a point of reference, I've got plasma weaponry integrated into the 88, but seeing as how I'm the only one in the Irregulars with the implant to make use of the armor, that doesn't help in situations where I'm unable to deploy.

-SFC Voralis


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Join date : 2009-07-28

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Dimension 061, reactions and analysis Empty Re: Dimension 061, reactions and analysis

Post by Magnus Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:57 pm

Thank you, sergeant Voralis, I was unaware of the combat profile of your armor, but that is reassuring, that does increase our ability to engage hard targets on foot quite a bit, if you are deploying.

Cadet James Foster


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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