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Gunner Owen Miller

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Gunner Owen Miller Empty Gunner Owen Miller

Post by Magnus Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:33 pm

Character Name: Owen Miller
Original Dimension: TOR

Race: Human
Age: 50
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 200 pounds
Likes: Guns, Capital ships, computers, maths. Hats. A quiet drink of brandy or warm beer. Avoiding promotion or mandatory retirement by trickery and red tape manipulation.

Dislikes: world-destroying superweapons. Being humbugged by manueverable ships. any other kind of weather than mild and sunny.

Physical Description (Or picture):,0.jpg

Powers and Special Abilities:
Crack shot, Capital: Owen is an excellent shot with capital-scale weapons, having a keen mind for the maths of long-range warfare and an intuitive ability to lead a target.

Red tape manipulation: Owen has a wide variety of contacts in the imaginos space force, and can generally wangle his way into getting shipments of whatever's needed from booze to ammunition sent his way first. Or disappear annoying orders like his mandatory retirement papers due to physical disability or the like.

Weapons and Gear: Datapad, communicator.

Weaknesses: Old and somewhat physically sluggish. While he's in good shape, he tends to throw out his back or his knee with any prolonged physical activity, so he tends to stay aboardship and will often walk with a cane.


A member of the Imaginos space force, he has served on numerous capital ships throughout his long and colorful career, never rising beyond the rank of gunner because Owen is happiest there.

His home town was Chryse, and while he was serving on detached duty when it was destroyed.... he lost his family. He is sad, although suprisingly not bitter about it, beyond regretting the loss of his wife and son. He is married to the Fleet, now and quite enjoys working with various and sundry folk. He is the exception to the normal stereotype of Albion, being quite a phlegmatic fellow in nature.


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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