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Matches Mahoney

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Matches Mahoney Empty Matches Mahoney

Post by Mainy Mon Dec 21, 2009 10:18 pm

IRC Nickname: The Mainy

Character Name: Matches Mahoney
Original Dimension: Fallout

Race: Little Lamplighter. (AKA, unknown)
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 5'3”
Weight: 118lbs
Likes: Fire.
Dislikes: Super Mutants, “Strange Meat”

Physical Description (Or picture): Matches Mahoney 13423691

Powers and Special Abilities: Matches is a quick study, she learns fast, and is able to apply that knowledge quickly. She's also an ass kicker. She's very good at hand to hand combat, including free style street fighting, grappling, and the art of shanking.

She has a lot of experience with guns, particularly the two she uses frequently. She has excellent aim, and a very high will to use her weapons.

Weapons and Gear:
1.A gun she's affectionately named “Mr McGoo”, it's a plasma rifle she picked up somewhere out there. It's been modified to use less energy for the same effect, though it takes slightly longer to reload. She's currently looking to modify it again to fit a larger or MF cell.
Plasma Rifle: Matches Mahoney 704_F3_Plasma_Rifle
2.A knife she's named “She Ain't Pretty No More” (Though she rarely calls it that), it's an automated Ripper, a knife that's basically a mini chainsaw, or, a suped up Turkey Carver.
Matches Mahoney 194419ss_sm2

Weaknesses:She melts in water. No, I'm kidding. She doesn't have any special weaknesses.

Background: Matches was raised in a strange little place called Lamplight. It's a place where orphaned children often found their way to, a place without adults, and where adults were deeply mistrusted. She grew up basically running around like a wild child, within the confines of a society run by children. She quickly, however, proved her proficiency for weapons, (And for starting fires) and became their main security officer, and later on, Raid Leader. After all, even children need weapons, materials for building, and to knock over the nearest colony for sugary treats. It was her 18th birthday, however, and she'll never forget it, when like all the other 'adults', she was ejected from Lamplight, to go to Big Town. In Big Town, she discovered the world of adults was not a happy one, unlike her cheerful childhood. Often being raided by pirates and other hostiles, Big Town was one big deathtrap. With Matches help, however, she taught the citizens of Big Town how to fight for themselves, and how to raid other colonies for thigns they would need, starting off small, and then getting into larger raids. She supplimented this endeaver by becoming a bounty hunter, a job she found she very much enjoyed, and after a few years of it, became rather well known in the industry. Now, however, she's out exploreing that big place called space, or splace, if you will.

Last edited by The Friend on Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:00 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Corrected Setting Information)


Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-07-21

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