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Liberty Empty Liberty

Post by Madoushi Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:34 am

Liberty Th_liberty

A paramilitary organization based on Earth, whose stated aims are for a free and independent Earth Government, for the annhialation of any Weapons of Planetary Destruction, and for a System Alliance which doesn't favor the wealthier outer colonies and which will endorse Earth's independence from the Commonwealth of Great Gaia.

Liberty are reknowned for their ability to operate in secret and blend in with the local populace.

Liberty paramilitia are known for woodland and desert camo, operating mostly out of North America's Sunbelt. They have devised a cypher based mianly on Rennaissance Italian and High Gaelic. While they don't employ any kind of heavy armor, they often convert humanoid construction vehicles into combat weapons, and the level of sophistication of their infantry weapons is surprisingly high.

Having few political allies, Liberty has been blamed for a wide assortment of act for which they have not claimed responsibility, such as the accusation that they are behind the firing of the Brahm Cannonade which triggered the Second Interdimensional War, a claim refuted by many influential sources, yet due to a lack of evidence either way, many governments consider Liberty a terrorist organization and have offered large ransoms for the capture of their leader.

Liberty is led by an individual known as Shamash, who bears many grandiose titles and is assumed by many to be a megalomaniac, leading a cult of personality.
Shamash is known to be a powerful psychic. There is some speculation that he is a Godless, due to his name and the fact he always wears a mask. Some people claim he must be former Castellan Raven Makishima, as he utlizes Makishima's powerful Unvermiedlikeit Mobile Armor and employs similar powerful psychic techniques.

As Makishima was confirmed dead at the Marcien Genocide, however, many rumours circulate that Shamash is his ghost, and therefore why he has proved so difficult to assassinate.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21

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