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Kevin Sommerfeld

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Kevin Sommerfeld Empty Kevin Sommerfeld

Post by Hydra Mon Dec 07, 2009 11:07 pm

IRC Nickname: Hydra; Hydra|Work

Character Name: Kevin Sommerfeld (rank of Captain upon removal from Geo-Def due to his disappearance)
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Human
Age: 49
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 263 pounds
Likes: Getting his hands dirty, rowdy companions, mysteries
Dislikes: Naïveté, "Freaks", getting caught by surprise, flying

Physical Description (Or picture):

When outside of combat situations, Sommerfeld dresses nicely but not expensively, often opting for a button-down shirt and slacks. He keeps now greyed hair and (around a quarter inch in length) but has taken to remaining more clean-shaven lately. Lines of age cross the lightly-tanned skin of his face, although he bears no scars on his face. His eyes are of a faded blue color. Dozens of other scars line his body, although most people never get close enough to Sommerfeld to see them. Sommerfeld is a man who considers his physical conditioning a top priority and maintains a muscular build even at his age.

Kevin Sommerfeld Kevin-fin

Powers and Special Abilities:

Other than decades of experience and training, Sommerfeld has no special abilities, taking great pride in his ability to handle far more powerful opponents with nothing more than tactical knowledge and equipment.

Weapons and Gear:

ICF (Intravenous Chemical Feed) Device: Surgically implanted within Sommerfeld's body, the ICF Device is capable of sending a variety of (mainly classified) chemicals into Sommerfeld's bloodstream. While he's (thankfully) never had to use the device in that manner, the ICF Device can function as a "cyanide pill", sending enough chemicals into his body to kill his brain. The included chemicals currently are as follows:

"Numb": As the name implies, Numb is a aesthetic that dulls all feeling in the body for a thirty minute timespan, allowing Sommerfeld to function through non-dehabilitating injuries but also eliminating his sense of touch during that span, necessitating careful use.

"Edge": A stimulant that allows Sommerfeld to function on 4 hours of sleep as if he had gotten 8.

"Kick": An artificial adrenaline, Kick functions much like the real thing, but can be controlled manually or allowed to flow automatically, giving Sommerfeld a greater range of control over it.

"RAH-F": Short for Recombinant Activated Human Factor, the RAH-F is a procoagulant that is used to help seal off major wounds and activates automatically when significant trauma is introduced.

"The Cleanser": A custom-built plasma-jet cannon that is capable of letting out arcs of plasma "flame" at up to 15,000 degrees celsius, "The Cleanser" has been Sommerfeld's preferred weapon of choice. A specially-designed ARES rifle is mounted (and can be detached from) the weapon as well for situations where the sheer destructive power of the plasma-jet cannon is unnecessary (or undesired). The weapon itself is mounted to Sommerfeld's 'Capper armor thanks both to the weight of the weapon (which makes it a two-handed weapon) and Sommerfeld's ICF Device circulating "Numb" in his system.

Thought Dampener: Implanted in Sommerfeld's head, the device is designed to "scramble" Sommerfeld's surface thoughts and block out interference from telepathic beings.

ISF-33 LACCRA: Sommerfeld's LACCRA armor is modified to be fitted with a harness mount for "The Cleanser", but is otherwise as normal.

ISF-37 Aegis: Standard issue model Aegis, used for stealth or non-assault missions.

GD-7 Mk2 "'Capper" Power Armor: The standard power armor for GEO-DEF's Handicapper division, the GD-7 Mk2 is a basic power armor, self-contained with a two hour air supply. The suit offers enhanced strength for the user, as well as increased protection against physical attacks compared to the standard LACCRA. The suit is also coated with a small layer of a chemical compound that's designed to help insulate and protect the user from heat and energy.

Striker-5 Auto Shotgun: One of two standard armaments for the Handicapper division, the Striker-5 is a semi-automatic shotgun that has a drum under the barrel, although a manual feed can also be done. The drum holds eighteen shots, and can be either buckshot or a solid AP slug. Has a shorter operative range than the M-201 "Mjöllnir" Heavy Assault Rifle (the other standard armament for Handicappers), but has far greater stopping power up close.


Chemical dependency: The main side effect (and a near dehabilitating one at that) of the ICF Device is the body grows dependent on the chemicals being injected, particularly "Numb". Sommerfeld keeps a separate supply of a weakened form of "Numb" that he injects daily to combat withdrawal side effects. The other major drawback of this is the fact that almost all the chemicals used within the device aren't legal for civilian use, complicating acquiring replacements. The ship had a decent supply of the chemicals which has allowed Kevin a constant supply even with being cut off from Geo-Def, but eventually they'll need to acquire more.

Aerophobic: Sommerfeld suffers from severe aerophobia, making him incapable of piloting starships and fighters and he struggles on smaller transports. On larger ships or space stations Sommerfeld is capable of functioning as he's unable to "feel" the movement as easily.

Knows Too Much: Twenty years spent as part of the notorious "Handicapper" division in Geo-Def (most of which was as an officer) has taught him where the bodies are buried for Geo-Def, which makes him both incredibly useful for the ship as well as a major liability once Geo-Def finds out that he's still alive.

Not a spring chicken: Regardless of how much he tries, Sommerfeld can't combat Father Time forever, and the wear and tear of his military career (along with his dependency on "Numb") have caused his reaction times to slow. It hasn't proven to be a real problem for him yet, but Sommerfeld does worry about the day that it costs him...

Enemies in many places: Not only will Geo-Def want Kevin dead once they realize he survived the accident with the ship's shift drives, but Kevin's pissed off a lot of people over the years as part of his job, many of whom won't hesitate to take shots at him now that he no longer has the protection of Geo-Def.

Background: Born on April 16th, 3100, Kevin Sommerfeld's family relocated to Shangri-La upon its founding. He enlisted in the Geo-Def in 3118, serving with distinction until 3124, when he was recruited into The Handicappers unit. From that point on records of his service are spotty at best, although it is known that he rejected advancement on a few occasions, citing a lack of desire to be removed from the field. "Retired" from the Geo-Def in 3140 as a Captain due to injuries sustained during an attempt on his life by an old enemy, Kevin spent 4 years off of active duty before returning in 3144, doing random jobs for (then) Sky Marshal Economaki until his assignment to the Astolpho II, where he's remained now that Economaki has seized power. He has no known family other than his daughter Isabel "Izzy" Burke, whom he had a strained relationship for many years but is currently working towards repairing their relationship.

Last edited by Hydra on Tue May 11, 2010 11:40 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated with changes in info due to recent events)


Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-06

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