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Colonel Rosamia Sombold

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Colonel Rosamia Sombold Empty Colonel Rosamia Sombold

Post by Excellen Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:18 pm

IRC Nickname: Excellen

Character Name: Rosamia Sombold
Nickname: Rose

Race: Human
Age: 54
Sex: Female
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 150 lbs.

Physical Description (Or picture):
A somewhat tallish woman with silvery hair and pale blue eyes. She wears a full Imaginos officer uniform, and keeps a sword at her hip. Despite her age, her appearance is that of a woman in her late twenties.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Machine Cell Infusion: Her body is infused with nanomachine-like cells which continually regenerate her tissue.
Jigen-ryuu Master: Is extremely proficient with swords, and makes full use of the Jigen-ryuu school of swordsmanship, whose moves range from deflecting projectiles with expert precision to executing powerful, nigh overwhelming cleaving strikes.
Mecha Pilot: She is an experienced mecha pilot who has dealt with a number of types of units within Imaginos's structure.

Weapons and Gear:
Machine Cell Katana: The sword Rose wears at her side is one made of a compound of machine cells which are capable of liquefying, reforming, and generating more cells at Rose's will. This allows it to gain the mass of a greatsword when she chooses, without sacrificing any of the sharpness of its cutting edge.

Murasaki Mk-II
(Rose's robot. Details to be hammered out at greater length with Xach)
Monoplanar Sword: The sword used by the Murasaki, a blade which basically only exists in two dimensions. When it passes through matter, its presence causes the planar dimensional boundaries within the matter to become disassociated, which in turn breaks all atomic links within the sword's cutting path. This effectively allows it to cut through anything which manifests in normal space, including supernatural effects. The only things it is unable to cut are things with clear dimensional boundaries, such as dimensional barriers.

Her machine cells' regenerative capabilities are not all-powerful in nature. It is entirely possible to do more damage to her than she can heal over a short period of time, and by doing enough of it, it is possible to seriously cripple her or cause death.

Rose has spent the past roughly 20 years of her life in service to Imaginos as a pilot. During this time, she has accumulated a number of honors in battle and promotions as an officer. Details of her prior life leading up to that point are nebulous, and she prefers not to discuss it. She currently functions as the executive officer of the Imaginos Mecha Corps, answering to Field Marshal Jacqueline Egret. Her rank in the Imaginos officer structure is Colonel.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-16

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