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Capt. David Whyte

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Capt. David Whyte Empty Capt. David Whyte

Post by `Citan Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:31 am

IRC Nickname: `Citan

Character Name: David Whyte, Captain, 22 SAS
Original Dimension: Original

Race: Human
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 192 lbs
Likes: A pint of good beer, a close-knit squad, being well informed of the mission at hand
Dislikes: mavericks and loaners, misinformation, under-trained comrades (dislikes the fact that they're under-trained and aims that at the source, not the person)

Physical Description (Or picture):

Powers and Special Abilities: He went through and excelled in the basic training program for the British Royal Army section of the Earth Confederation Military. He also went through the full gamut of training for the SAS, possessing keen linguistic skills, is able to quickly adapt to nonstandard equipment, is a highly skilled survivalist, and if it shoots bullets, or behaves like a gun that does, he can fight with it effectively. He is trained for ground, amphibious, airborne and orbital insertions of multiple types. His combat experiences specialize in small group tactics geared towards snatch and grabs, sabotage and various kinds of raids.

Weapons and Gear: SAS combat operatives wear a fully enclosed armored suit ( in black with on the higher hanging shoulder plate, both sides)that offers low light and thermal vision, protection from chemical and biological weapons, decent armor against ballistic and slashing, and a thin gel layer to help buffer kinetic damage. His suit interfaces with weapons that allow for such, giving him a HUD with an ammo readout. The HUD also gives him a compass when Magnetic North is present and can display images from external cameras, such as those mounted to a weapon or a fellow soldier, should any be available. A miniature computer fixed to the underside of the suit's left forearm can be programmed with maps, objective information, and any other mission relevant data.
AR-15Sc: Super Compact assault rifle, ideal for CQB
MP-50: Bullpup configured sub machinegun, carried as a backup weapon when the pistol can't do the job
M-5 Combat Pistol: Compact and comfortable to hold service pistol issued to Special Operatives
AM-4: Anti-materiel sniper rifle carried by the SAS. This one belonged to a Troop-mate of David's

Weaknesses: Is a completely normal human being, and a lot of his combat-effectiveness depends on his kit and how well maintained it is. He also feels the need to train OFTEN to keep his skills sharp, getting antsy when he can't. Will have to get used to working in such an IRREGULAR (hah) group.

Background: At eighteen, David joined the Royal Army, the United Kingdom's section of the Earth Confederation Military. After a year and a half of service, David applied to take the qualifier tests for the SAS, being among the 10% of his run of applicants to pass. Almost immediately after war was declared on the Earth and a number of it's allied systems, over a dispute over the level of clout and perceived hand-outs Earth was given in intergalactic politics. He served bravely for four years until reaching the rank of Captain, where he was placed at the head of a Troop (group of sixteen men), in a Sabre Squadon (a collection of four specialized Troops). His squadron was assigned to a company of United States Army section Rangers, and sent to hit a large-scale R&D facility, operated by an enemy species. His particular troop and a platoon of rangers was sent to find and destroy a large-scale portal generator, capable of tunneling through space and generating almost-instant-transportation for large scale targets, such as large groups of troops and armor. In the heat of battle, the untested device was activated, going haywire and sucking in a large amount of debris and the corpses of several combatants from both sides. When a mortally wounded buddy of his, his Troop's sniper, was being pulled into the gate as well, David grabbed on to save him, being drawn in himself....


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-07-27

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