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Kweli Guillaume Scwartzstern

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Kweli Guillaume Scwartzstern Empty Kweli Guillaume Scwartzstern

Post by huangable Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:56 pm

IRC Nickname: Space-Bird

Character Name: Inspector Kweli Guillaume Scwartzstern
Original Dimension: TOR Dimension 10

Race: Human
Age: late 20s
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 165
Likes: Action, Alcohol, Guns, Women, Noir Novels, Trouble
Dislikes:Inaction, Automated Systems, Elisse Stingray's cold mechanical heart

Physical Description (Or picture):
Kweli Guillaume Scwartzstern Kwelibyhand

Powers and Special Abilities:

Piloting Skill: Is an exceptional pilot, from Avatars to Biplanes, if it moves, he can drive it. (Or he'll try!) Intuitive understanding of physics, machines, and how to coax maximum performance out of them

Marksmanship: Top in his class in Peace Keeping Basic training. He's a great marksman.

Close Quarters Combat: Knows how to fight..and murder people with his bare hands or improvised objects

Infiltration: He has a knack for getting into places he shouldn't be..from highly encrypted computer systems to antiquated locks.

Weapons and Gear:

Standard Issue Peace Keeper Gear


Alcohol, Women, Cocksuredness...

Background: Kweli is truly an inter-solar man of mystery. He has an untraceable accent, and rarely talks about his past, or his home, and is quick to deflect when questioned. Kweli as an exemplary record within the System Alliance Peace Keepers, and has experience from piloting to administration, a solid fit for the Astolpho, he was quickly transferred as a request for more pilots was issued...

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-07-11

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